
Monoprinting is form of printmaking where the image can only be made once, unlike most printmaking which allows for multiple copies. An impression is made from a reprintable block, such as an etched plate or woodblock, but in such a way that only one of its kind exists. Instead of blocks, I use found objects like leaves, bark, rocks, and household objects. I use different types of paper to create textures and backgrounds and then draw and paint on the image.

“The beauty of monoprinting lies in its spontaneity and its allowance for combinations of printmaking, painting and drawing media.” - Tate Museum

The artist reserves all reproduction rights, including the right to claim statutory copyright in the work. The work may not be photographed, sketched, painted, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without express, written consent of the artist. All approved reproductions shall bear the following copyright notice: by Beth MacNeil Stinson ©


Echo Printing


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